Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Psychological Introduction

Hello. My name is Katie Stamp, and I am a 16-year-old-student at Greenwood High School.

When I think about things I base my thoughts on facts. I look at things from a logical and practical point of view, and I am usually open to thinking about things from different perspectives.  My thoughts are precise and to the points, which is also the way I write. It is difficult for me to be "wordy".

I process information by relating it to things I already know. I learn best when I can read or hear the information.  I also work best alone, which is why I like online classes. I don't like hands-on learning, I never learned much from science labs, and everything in shop class went right over my head. My creative ability in nearly nonexistent. I can write a research paper in under two hours, but I can struggle for days on a simple poem.

I am an introvert, through and through. I hate being in crowds, and until recently I have had trouble speaking in front of people, even in front of my small class.  I'm quiet, though not really shy, I just don't like to talk if I don't have anything important to say.  I am happiest when I am alone or with a small group of friends. I really don't have much of a temper, but I do hold grudges.

When I was in third grade my family moved from Freeland, Michigan to Greenwood, and I went from being in a grade with 90 kids to being in a grade with 25 kids. Freeland is part of a big community and getting used to living in a small town took a while. I like living in a small town because it is quiet and there are fewer people, however, living in a city allows people to just blend into the crowd.

I take after my father, which is a little odd because I look almost exactly like my mother. We agree on nearly every topic, including things like politics and religion. We both love history and lack any competitiveness in sports and games. We also have very similar personalities, neither of us like large groups and we are both quiet. I am almost the opposite of my mother who is talkative and outgoing, while I am reserved and quiet.

This is a psychological description because it thoroughly discusses my behavior, and some possible reasons for it, and it discusses how I think about things and process information.